November 29, 2008



We had a lovely Thanksgiving, satisfying in every sense of the word. Our son married a wonderful woman. On top of that, she has family to share for the holiday. I'm thankful for them. We love them as our own (maybe more). The rest of our family are either across the country or unable to travel long distances. We have so much to be thankful for. This season reminds me of this.

Now that we ate our fill, it is time to look towards Christmas: decorate, send those cards, shop, wrap and share the joy of the season.

November 24, 2008

More Fractals



What does it say about me if I always see people, animals or things in my fractals?

November 22, 2008

Another Sunset

How could I have forgotten to include the most spectacular sunset I've ever experienced. I'm not sure one photo does it justice. Each phase of this sunset was infused with a different vibrancy until nothing was left but the moon, stars and awe.


November 21, 2008


From the time of my first painting class as an adult I have become fascinated with skies. I would be driving along and be enthralled by the sky ahead. Often thinking it would look unreal if painted. Of course, the most dramatic, memorable and most often photographed are usually sunsets. I love them for their rich colors and beauty, so I thought I would share a few of my favorite sunsets

Upstate New York

New York City

San Francisco

Puerto Nuevo

Puerto Nuevo

November 15, 2008

Autumn's Farewell

Today is a dreary, November day and it is supposed to go below freezing at night for the week. I'm mourning the ending of autumn and the inevitable approach of winter. My pond fish are taking one last exploratory swim and will soon be tucked under the ice for most of the next four months. I decided to take a lesson from Carl and see what I could find to photograph in my own backyard.



Bright yellow memories
Shining through a grey day

November 12, 2008


My Life with Computers

I have a love-hate relationship with computers. When I took my first computer course there were only main frames, and so we learned flow charts and keypunch. I excelled at flow charts since I am naturally logical. Although, my husband would insist that I have many irrational moments. When my classroom acquired one of the first personal computers, a TRS-80, I was in my glory. You see, you could write programs. By today's standards, they were very simplistic. You could have little stick figures ski downhill in a race as a reward for answering questions correctly, and you could develop timed reading programs, etc. It was great! If something hung up, you could look at your little flow chart, pinpoint what the problem was and change a symbol or number so all was right again.
Somewhere along the way everything changed. We now have more working computers than people in our household. I can no longer comprehend the inner workings of my computers. They have many professionally written programs and I use most of them. I have difficulty weeding out the ones I don't need because I like the way one does this and the other does that. Every once in a while a newly acquired program will cause a glitch in another program. I am faced with choosing the one to keep since I can no longer find the conflict by looking at my flow charts. Even if I could, I would not understand the language they are written in.
My logical nature which makes me a big Sudoku fan, still takes control and makes me wrestle with a problem for days until it is solved or I give up. The other day I decided I wanted to network some of my files on all of my computers. I would get one set up, but not the other. Then, all of a sudden, one of the programs would no longer work. I tweaked, poked and deleted for many hours. Did I mention I am stubborn? Finally, by late last night I no longer had to put a picture on a flash drive and carry it down stairs to photoshop it. I could view my recorded TV programs on any computer. Most of all, everything worked! I went peacefully to sleep. Of course, I haven't tried it this morning just in case those computer gremlins invaded my computers again.

P.S. In which case I will probably break down and call my very talented son.

November 8, 2008


What fun!! Fractals are computerized abstract art. I will be trying this again.
Thanks Carl and Janice for the "how to" info.

November 6, 2008

Mothers and Daughters

My friend leaned close and asked, "Do you have trouble sleeping through the night?"

I answered, "Of course. I wake up between 1 and 3 and have trouble getting back to sleep."

(I'm not sure whether or not this is an affect of not having to get up at six A.M. since retiring.)

My friend said, "I keep thinking about my mother. I wish I had known what she was going through."

This spoke to my own sadness over my mother. My mother is still alive in a nursing home, but her mind is no longer clear. I recently delved into her life while making sense of those accumulated family photos without names and dates. I realized there was much disappointment in her life. I did not feel particularly close to my mother, even though we spent many family weekends and vacations together. Today she gives me a smile that lights up her face and says, "I love you." I am grateful even for this. I remember mostly criticism as a youngster, although I assume she must have loved me as her child. We rarely had meaningful conversations or shared our thoughts. We didn't even have real arguments.

My friend said, "If I had known maybe we could have helped."

I related a time in my mother's life when in retrospect she had said she had barely enough to get by. Although she joined us every Sunday for dinner, I had no idea.

My friend said, "It must have been a generational thing that our mother's didn't share their lives."

I am reminded of my mother, in one of her lucid moments, saying of her mother, "She didn't deserve the troubles in her life." I wasn't aware of these either. Some came to light only years after my grandmother passed away. If my mother and grandmother discussed their lives, I was not included.
********************* I GUESS IT WAS A GENERATIONAL THING ********************

November 5, 2008


Congratulations America! Yesterday, individually we cast our votes, and together we elected the first black president of the United States. This accomplishment is most outstanding because he could not have been elected by only one race. It took Americans of all races to see the worth of the man and respond to the hope he offers for a brighter future.

November 2, 2008

Fall Back

This is the day when we turn the clocks back or, rather, we are given the gift of an hour to do what pleases us. When I was working and much busier or would socialize to whee hours, the hour would be cherished for extra sleep, but now I enjoy thinking of the possibilities that an uncommitted hour holds and cherish the possibilities. I could enjoy hot coffee on the deck and listen to the birds announce the dawn and watch as the darkness disappears slowly into light, or I could enjoy the sweet stillness of the house and, perhaps, meditate. I could write, or work on my photography, or even read. There are so many enjoyable possibilities that I think I will consciously give myself an hour every day just to be me.